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  • Contemporary, complete, versatile, and customisable mannequins. The Fairy and Monsieur

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The Fairy and Monsieur’s characteristic is an elongation of the bust that allows transforming the mannequin into a bustform and the bustform into a mannequinmaking it into a contemporary product in terms of aesthetics and adaptability.

Versatility is the other major feature: bust, legs, arms, and head may be purchased together or separately. The option to use the 360° arm systems with easymoving articulated arms and wooden arms with wonderfit plastic shoulder, make The Fairy and Monsieur customisable.

A vast range of colour and fabric swatches, a broad choice of finishes from basic to innovative, the option to have an abstract and natural head with make-up & hair, make The Fairy and Monsieur complete and timeless products that represent La Rosa’s path towards the innovation of tradition and the revolution of the concept of basic.

The Fairy


